Thursday, August 4, 2011


So, like many others, I watched the documentary "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead." A man from Australia that juiced for 60 days while traveling across the US. He lost weight and the skin rash he had been taking drugs for for years had disappeared. It was inspiring and a good kick in the pants. But the thought was also daunting and scary. 60 days?? 60 days of no chocolate. no pizza, no pasta, nada but fruit and veggies? Now, don't get me wrong, I like my produce, but I also like salad dressing, a little butter, salt, pepper and garlic to make veggies taste better too. (sigh) Well, with the inspiring kick and the support of my husband who says he is doing it too (you all read that right. Mike has committed it to it too), we bought a juicer. A cheaper one, hated it after a week and tried another. Much better! We have a Breville Ikon, multi-speed juicer. I have used it a few times this last week and am far more satisfied.

Yesterday, out of the pure need to use up some peaches and oranges that were getting old, I juiced my lunch and dinner. 3 peaches, 2 oranges for lunch, very nummy! Dinner was about 6 organic carrots, 2 apples, and a handful of parsley. I liked it. The carrots were pretty sweet, and that makes a big difference. I made a bit too much, but eventually finished it.

This morning is a 1/4 grapefruit, 8 strawberries and an orange. Not very sweet or tasty; because the strawberries were very tart. Because juicing takes the fiber out, I grab a good spoonful of the pulp stuff which is like pure fiber and put that back in my glass. I always liked pulp. :)

The plan is to juice a minimum of 10 days. Then, taking a day at a time to see how far I can get into a 60 day fast. I will have to be as organized as possible to make sure I have what I need on hand and the time to make the juices. The plan also allows eating the fruits and vegetables. I believe I will have to be flexible in allowing the occasional Lara bar, which means breaking the rules of no nuts, but it follows everything else, and let's face it, I am a mom on the go and juicing all the time is not always going to be possible.

As you may have guessed, I will be doing my best to blog about my adventure in juicing. Below is a list of ailments I hope will be cured by the juicing and although I am soo not going to reveal my weight, I will post pounds lost on a weekly basis.

Migraines: 1-2/year
Headaches: 1/week
Back pain: almost daily
tight back and neck muscles: daily
cramping in left calf: (only when not taking calcium/magnesium)
Psoriasis: every part of body is affected; 100% scalp, 25% back, front; 90% hip to hip, 10% feet just starting, dozen spots on legs and just starting in lower legs; 25% face; 98% ears; 5% neck; 10-20% every where else
Fibromyalgia: taking 3 ibuprofen 2X daily; stiff and sore in shoulders, fingers, wrists; loss of strength in left shoulder and right wrist, and fingers
Fibro Fog: 1-4 days/week
Fibro Fatigue: 2 days/week
Edema in legs, and fingers
Tingling in feet: occasionally
Sore feet after standing or walking more than a few hours.
Anxiety attacks: occasional
Eye blurriness in the mornings; glasses
scatter brain syndrome

So, if you think of me, please feel free to pray for strength, endurance and self-control. It would be very much appreciated.
Thank you and God bless your day!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Jess, I'm praying for you & Mike. Remember, it's not about perfection, just progress. You can do this!! Randy H
