Day 10 brings me to my 4th juicing book, Juicing for Life. I started reading through it this morning and was happy to see some more of the scientific research backing up what I have been told. It shares the actual time frame that produce loses its' nutrients after it has been juiced, even after it has been cut! And how many nutrients are lost when the vegetables are cooked. I may think twice about cooking them again.
This morning as I was talking to Mike about his last week, and how our views about food are changing. During the course of our conversation, I said something that we thought to be profound. I was telling him how I slightly miss some foods, like meat and butter, but my top would be bread and pasta. I feel like the smell of fresh baked bread is following me around. In a teasing, comical, pouty fashion I declared, " But I want the foods that are killing me." Ahh-ha! Isn't that just what us sinning, know-it-all's say to God all the time? "I want what is killing me." I do, and I admit it, because I know there is hope for me. I know through this experience that my view on food will be more in focus. It is not like the knowledge of food was completely lost to me, I just didn't want to focus on it other than the main objectives of getting enough protein, carbs, produce and limiting my salt, fat and calories. Now, I am looking at, what has the most calcium? What has more fiber? B12? Phosphorus? Boron? and so on. What foods are going to help with my skin, my fibro and my other issues?
I always knew that God gave us what we needed and I knew that going back to basics, as I call it, was the way to go. I just didn't want to. Now that I have, I can't see myself going back to all of my old ways. Do I miss them, yes, but I don't want them all the time. I want them to be a very 3rd class kind of supplement. Keep it natural, keep it real.
I had posted earlier that my skin has shown improvement. I just wanted to say how excited I am to see God working. My face, looks 99% normal! And feels it too. I am so eager to see the rest of me benefit from juicing.
P.S. Since the other day, I feel the fire under Mike lit up a bit more and am looking forward to helping him do this with me, as was originally planned.
Exodus 15:26 He said, “If you listen carefully to the LORD your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, who heals you.”
This is not a 'pay in and get out' type verse. God gave us Jesus who listened, who paid the price so that we stand before God as righteous and in turn we are blessed with His healing. Amen!
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