Yesterday was day 6, and I got a greater appreciation for the 'old days.' I don't just mean before the 1950's when processed, pre-packed food became all the rage, I am talking about a hundred or more years ago, when the man of the house would farm all day or go hunting and then come home and butcher their kill and then go into a several week long process of salting/smoking it so that it would keep for the winter. The women would also spend their entire day churning butter, helping with the meat preservation, working the garden, canning, and many other household tasks. My day was not even close to that but dinner prep was close. Now, I didn't get so protein hungry and track down an innocent bunny and have it for dinner, but I did spend over an hour cutting and chopping vegetables for a barely tolerable, taste lacking vegetable soup. (sorry, no beef broth)
It is only the last 60 years that our society has been accustomed to not making everything homemade. And I can't see why (sarcastic). It takes so much more time and effort! Now, I like making my own spaghetti sauce, chili and taco meat; but then I divide them up and freeze them so that at a later date, I can just whip them out at a moment's notice and have a dinner ready in 20 minutes. But the day I make all those, with my 20 lbs of hamburger to brown and season accordingly, takes a few hours. But saves me so much more time later. (Blessing count: large freezer!) I have to attest to the fact that for the majority of it, homemade tastes better. I although, I will not make that specific vegetable soup again, I will try to continue a more homemade is best attitude when this is all over.
It has been hard this last week, but I do see the strength that God has given me. I thought I would be completely riddled with cravings and even though we still have a bunch of stuff in the house for the girls, for the most part, I do not look at them . I am not consumed with wanting sugar or chocolate. And although I sigh in want of some meat, or pasta, it is fairly short lived.
For those who are 'freaking out' that I am not having protein, a concern of mine initially, there are actually plenty of vegetables that contain protein. If a wide variety and larger consumption of vegetables and fruit are eaten, we can attain all of our nutritional needs. Also, I try to consider what Jay said on his documentary. I have stored up some of my favorite foods. So when I get hungry for something, I can tell myself, "That pasta I ate last week, I am finally using it now."
footnote: Alana I have started to read the Little house on the Prairie series. Hence the extensive knowledge on preserving meat.
Psalm 66:3 Say to God, "How awesome are your deeds! So great is your power that your enemies cringe before you." (cringe evil sugar, cringe!)
God bless!
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