Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"It tastes green."

My journey is continuing down a road that I do not know where it leads or if it will ever end. However, I have some company, if only for a brief while. Alana has decided, without prodding, to join the gluten-free lifestyle on a trial basis for one week. She is not partaking on the multiple juices but is drinking the fruit juices and trying the others. Alana has suffered with headaches, migraines, aches and pains from growing, funny tummy, bathroom issues and sadly, has psoriasis. This last ailment was the deciding factor for her.

I say she is doing well. Of course, she is missing her bread and macaroni, but overall, she is a trooper. I am hoping for a longer commitment but am grateful for a trial run. A couple years ago, when migraines were running amok, we took Alana to see doctors and a neurologist. Their recommendations were so invasive that I ran the other direction. We took her to see a naturalist and was told to eliminate a multitude of foods from her diet. Talk about stress! It was so bad, I was so uninformed, and I was a wreck. It didn't last long.

This time, I have my own experience to bring to the table. I have more knowledge and understanding, 'cleared' (Gluten-free terminology for foods that are clean) foods in my kitchen and books of recipes to call on. I have praised God that I am in the here and now where there are options and many accommodations made for people with allergies/sensitivities.

I did inform Alana that her choice for GF was great but that her results may not be as quick as mine because she is not juicing. The micro-nutrients are so needed for your body to heal. I had each of the girls have some of the juice I made tonight, informing them that it tasted like lemonade. Alana, agreed, but then made a funny face telling me that there was a spinach after-taste. I said I didn't put spinach in it. Then, Emily speaks up and says, "Mom, there is definitely a green taste to it." If colors had a flavor, I am sure it would taste just like spinach. (BTW, it was the Kale they were tasting.) I said if they did it for a week, they wouldn't even notice it. They drank their 1/2 cups worth and that is all I wanted.

So, keep your prayers with Alana and our family. God bless!

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